Netiv Koach Heyetzer
Posted onRebbetzin Heller begins her analysis of Netiv Koach Hayetzer with a discussion of how to understand our inner enemy – the Yetzer Hara.
Rebbetzin Heller begins her analysis of Netiv Koach Hayetzer with a discussion of how to understand our inner enemy – the Yetzer Hara.
Rebbetzin Heller discusses two effective methods which the Maharal offers to combat the Yetzer Hara: Torah and Chessed.
In this class on the Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Rebbetzin Heller explains the answer to the perplexing question: What does it mean that tzaddikim have the strongest Yetzer Hara?
Rebbetzin Heller continues her discussion on the Sefer Netivot Olam of the Maharal.
Rebbetzin Heller detours into the Ramchal’s sefer ‘Derech Hashem’, comparing his view on evil to that of the Maharal.
In continuing her class on the Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller compares the yetzer hara of the “tzurah” with the yetzer hara of the “chomer”.
Rebbetzin Heller presents the Maharal’s instructions on how to overcome the Yetzer Ha’Ra.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Maharal’s advice on “slaughtering” the Yetzer Hara.
In this class on the Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses our need for Hashem’s help in fighting the Yetzer Hara.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explaining the Jewish belief in Moshiach and “Techiat Ha’Meitim”, resurrection of the dead.
In her discussion on the Sefer Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Rebbetzin Heller speaks about how the Yetzer Hara causes one to self-destruct.
This class begins a new netiv of the Maharal, Netiv HaYessurim. In this class, Rebbetzin Heller attempts to decipher the mystery of yissurim.
In this class on the Netivot Olam, Rebbetzin Heller discusses three treasured gifts from G-d which require pain and suffering.
In this class, Rebbetzin Heller helps us understand the Torah perspective on suffering in this world.
In this class on the Netivot Olam, Rebbetzin Heller discusses how the nuisances that interrupt the flow of our routine are all purposeful and beneficial in helping us reach our ultimate destiny.
In the first class of Netiv HaShalom, Rebbetzin Heller discusses the source of “shalom” (peace) and its opposite, “machloket” (divisiveness).
Rebbetzin Heller explains that the ultimate definition of peace lies in retaining boundaries and at the same time including and respecting all the pieces of the world’s puzzle.
In this class, Rebbetzin Heller explains that the spelling of shalom is reflective of the word’s essence, peace.
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Maharal’s explanation of the essence of “machloket”, disputes, utilizing the letters which comprise the word. This class offers a deep Torah look at words and their meanings.
In this class, Rebbetzin Heller discusses the Maharal’s exposition on the idea of boundaries, which cause both separations and closeness.
In this class, Rebbetzin Heller discusses how the Maharal uses the example of Korach to explain and analyze the motives and actions of a machloket.
In this shuir, Rebbetzin Heller discusses the Maharal’s explanation of Achitofel’s commandments to his sons as the three essential aspects of peace.
Starting a new topic, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller begins the Maharal’s classic work, Netzach Yisrael, analyzing the causes of the Churban Beis HaMikdash, specifically the story of Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza.
Continuing with the roots of the Churban, Rebbetzin Heller discusses the Maharal’s commentary of the city of Tur-Malka and the cause of its destruction.
In this class, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the fall of the city of Beitar during the time of the Churban (the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash). The Maharal, in his book the Netivot Olam, gleans from the tragic episode fundamental Torah principles of waging war, in a physical and spiritual manner.
Moving on from Galus, Rebbetzin Heller explores the Final Redemption, may it come speedily in our days.
In this class, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller focuses on the essence of redemption and the causes that will bring it about. This class is based on teachings in the Sefer Netivot Olam of the Maharal.
In this class, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the Torah perspective on what the Final Redemption will be like. The Redemption from Egypt described is the prototype of all future redemptions. The Maharal explains the details of this parallel.
In this class, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches that the three redeemers from Egypt were Moshe, Aaron and Miriam, and that in the Final Redemption, we will emulate Miriam’s yearning for G-d, and merit His Salvation.