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Scrupulous honesty… Hashem’s primary policy. Sources sheets: 7C | The Workplace Cauldron - Shine or be SmeltedDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-06-26 | 00:14:41 | |
Partnership with Hashem T&Cs. Sources sheets: 7B | The Workplace Cauldron - Shine or be SmeltedDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-06-23 | 00:14:49 | |
Work is the choice place to grow, even for some tzaddikim. Sources sheets: 7A | The Workplace Cauldron - Shine or be SmeltedDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-06-14 | 00:13:45 | |
Daily Torah hours - getting the balance right. Sources sheets: 6G | A Hard Day's WorkDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-05-24 | 00:12:29 | |
Time is... Torah. Sources sheets: 6F | A Hard Day's WorkDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-05-22 | 00:12:11 | |
Listening to Hashem speaking to you... at work. Sources sheets: 6E | A Hard Day's WorkDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-05-22 | 00:18:18 | |
Balance, Bitachon and the pit in your belly! Sources sheets: 6D | A Hard Day's WorkDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-03-15 | 00:19:48 | |
It's unanimous, trust never replaces hard work! Sources sheets: 6C | A Hard Day's WorkDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-03-09 | 00:10:52 | |
Sit back, relax and Hashem will NOT provide. Sources sheets: 6B | A Hard Day's WorkDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-03-06 | 00:14:17 | |
Hard work. Trust. Predetermined income. Unscrambling the confusion, contradiction and complexity. Sources sheets: 6A | A Hard Day's WorkDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-02-27 | 00:09:02 | |
Critical questions: How much and to whom? Sources sheets: 5E | The Weightiest Mitzvah of Them AllDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-02-24 | 00:16:06 | |
Buffet’s promise... Sources sheets: 5D | The Weightiest Mitzvah of Them AllDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-02-20 | 00:15:04 | |
Imagine a borehole that pumps out gold and silver… and dveikus to Hashem simultaneously! It’s in your hands to dig it! Sources sheets: 5C | The Weightiest Mitzvah of Them AllDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-02-16 | 00:15:44 | |
Torah Wealth 101. It’s a plunge… with a guarantee! Sources sheets: 5B | The Weightiest Mitzvah of Them AllDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-02-13 | 00:17:29 | |
The weightiest mitzvah of them all... Sources sheets: 5A | The Weightiest Mitzvah of Them AllDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2023-02-09 | 00:11:37 | |
Hashem wants my heart, my love, sincere service - surely not a service motivated by money? Isn't my love of money a substitute and an obstruction to genuine love of Him and His mitzvahs? Sources sheets: 4C | Rocket Fuel for TorahDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-08-30 | 00:09:33 | |
What does a non-Jewish mistress, an adulterous relationship and the desire for money have in common? According to the Gaon, apparently a lot! Listen to part 4B and transform your work life. Sources sheets: 4B | Rocket Fuel for TorahDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-08-08 | 00:15:19 | |
Bridging the gap between our love for money and Hashem’s love for us. Can these two desires possibly merge? Find out in part 4!Part 4A | Rocket Fuel for TorahDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-07-13 | 00:15:00 | |
Earning a living more valuable than awe of G-d - that just can’t be! It’s not even a mitzvah!? Find out in this last segment of Part 3. Sources sheets: 3C | Why does Hashem Want Me to Work?Description | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-07-05 | 00:11:40 | |
A fascinating in-depth analysis of work’s relative holiness in Hashem’s eyes. Is it up there with Tefillin or more similar to eating and sleeping? Most importantly - does this distinction make any difference to our approach to our time in the office? Sources sheets: 3B | Why does Hashem Want Me to Work?Description | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-06-28 | 00:11:03 | |
If life is about Torah and mitzvahs, why did Hashem design a world where work consumes us? Is work also a holy mitzvah, like tefillah and Torah? Sources sheets: 3A | Why does Hashem Want Me to Work?Description | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-06-20 | 00:12:24 | |
Bringing it all home! How to integrate what we’ve learnt so far into tangible change. Practical tools to transform your approach to work.Part 2D | Why do you Work?Description | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-06-14 | 00:08:09 | |
Jaw dropping, eye popping clarity on the powerful, insatiable drive for money that lies inside everyone... even a tzaddik. Sources sheets: 2C | Why do you Work?Description | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-06-07 | 00:13:32 | |
The drive for money…a side show in the Torah or does it take centre stage? Sources sheets: Sign up to be notified of live discussions: https://rabbitreger.comPart 2B | Why do you Work?Description | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-05-30 | 00:14:29 | |
The first of a 3-part section, investigating a crucial question with brutal honesty: Why do YOU work?! This motivation is explored initially via self reflection and then through Torah sources that affirm and deepen our understanding. Sources sheets: 2A | Why do you Work?Description | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-05-24 | 00:13:18 | |
Just how fundamental is business in the eyes of the Torah? Or is it important at all? Sources sheets: 1B | A Balanced LifeDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-05-16 | 00:12:56 | |
What is the ultimate business book of them all? Sources sheets: 1A | My Favorite Business BooksDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-05-09 | 00:11:15 | |
Welcome to The Other Side of the Coin, a podcast exploring the paradox of work as a spiritual endeavor and the workplace as a spiritual sanctuary.Trailer - The Other Side of the CoinDescription | Business | Rabbi Justin Treger | 2022-05-09 | 00:03:41 |
About Rabbi Justin Treger
Rabbi Treger was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa as a traditional Jew. He completed his business undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of the Witwatersrand. Amongst the numerous accolades he received, he was awarded the Dean’s Gold Medal – an award for the top undergraduate student at the University. During these years, his interest in Torah learning grew. Together with his wife Sharnee he went to Yerushalayim for a year to further immerse himself in the study of Torah. That year turned into 8 years, most of which were spent in the Mir Yeshiva. Rabbi Treger returned to South Africa to be the Assistant Rabbi at Sandton Shul and to fulfil his passion to join the commercial world for the first time, at age 30. He is currently a voluntary rabbi at the Sandton Shul, the director of Sandton Sinai School (a yeshiva day-school he founded in 2012) and the co-founder of a successful international tax compliance business. Rabbi Treger’s passion lies in discovering how to achieve greatness as a Jew through one’s involvement in the workplace. The series on this site are a synopsis based on Torah sources, with enhanced understanding from real life experience, on how to strike the perfect balance between the physical and spiritual; between work and learning; between life in the real-world and real life.
Contact Rabbi Justin Treger
This shiur is available in audio format only