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Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues the maamar of Atem Nitzavim.G-d as Part of the Jewish NationDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-26 | 53:48 | |
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues learning the maamar Atem Nitzavim by the Alter Rebbe. In this segment, he discusses the idea of seeking out G-d with the deepest depths of one's heart.Seeking G-dDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-25 | 53:24 | |
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues learning the ma'amar of the Alter Rebbe, Atem Nitzavim. This segment primarily focuses on various aspects of Rosh Hashana, yet its essential teachings are applicable in all times of the year.Rejuvenating Our BondDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-24 | 54:07 | |
Rabbi Weinberger discusses the concept of a bris from a different chassidic source, Chassidus Mevueres.Understanding a BrisDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-23 | 57:19 | |
Rabbi Weinberger discusses the idea of Am Yisrael coming together to form one complete spiritual unit.Creating One NationDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-22 | 50:29 | |
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues to learn the Baal HaTanya's essay Atem Nitzavim. This segment deals with each individual unique connection to the Jewish People.Connecting to the SourceDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-19 | 56:53 | |
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues learning the Alter Rebbe's maamar (essay), Atem Nitzavim. In this section he discusses the concept of a circle, and its aplications in Jewish thought and life.Endless CircleDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-18 | 48:01 | |
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger continues learning the essay of Atem Nitzavim by the Alter Rebbe. The Rebbe discusses the concept of Knesses Yisrael, the entity of Yisrael, and how one can become part of this unit.Knesses YisraelDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-17 | 53:13 | |
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger begins learning the essay of the Alter Rebbe, Reb Shneur Zalman of Liadi, which deals with Rosh HaShana, as discussed in the Sefer Chassidus M'vueres. The themes of Malchiyot, Shofrot, and Zichronot are analyzed. The shiur discusses the nekuda pnimis, the inner essence of Rosh Hashana,.Standing Before G-dDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-14 | 51:05 | |
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger discusses how the intense connection between Am Yisrael and G-d is explained as symbolized through a bris. Rabbi Weinberger gleans insights regarding the true essence of a bris, from the Alter Rebbe's essay, Atem Nitzavim.The Bond of a BrisDescription | Chassidic Masters | Rabbi Moshe Weinberger | 2006-08-13 | 54:13 |
About Rabbi Moshe Weinberger
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger is the founding Rav of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, New York, and a mashpia at Rabbi Isaac Elchonon Theological Seminary (RIETS). He is known as a leading teacher of Chassidut and relating the teachings of the Chassidic masters to contemporary issues and challenges. He is the author of six volumes of Jewish Thought and halacha (Jewish Law), and a frequent contributor to Jewish Action magazine.
This shiur is available in audio format only