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Rabbi Eliezer Miller describes the unique inner joy that comes with this month.The Unique Joy of AdarDescription | Purim | Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Miller | 2006-08-13 | 50:27 |
About Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Miller
Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Miller is a Mashgiach and Magid Shiur at Yeshivas Torah V'Emunah, a yeshiva for newcomers to Judaism affiliated with the Tzohar Outreach Movement of the Belz Chassidut. He was born and raised in Gateshead, England. As a teenager, he moved to Bnei Brak, Israel, where he studied at the famed Ponovezh Yeshiva. Rabbi Miller learned in Yeshivas Brisk in Yerushalayim for seven years. For the last twenty years or so, Rabbi Miller has been teaching his class in a diverse range of men's Yeshivot, women's seminaries, and high schools. Rabbi Miller is the author of the Sefer 'Rachmana Liba Ba'i', available in translation as 'A Heart to Know Me'. His second sefer, 'Ohel Shiken B'Adam', is the basis for his class on, The Power of the Soul: Revealing Hashem Within Us. The Miller home is famous for its hachnasat orchim. Every Shabbos, ten to twenty guests come to their Geula home to experience their unique Shabbat table.
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