Series: Practical Judaism
Washing Hands upon Awakening
Posted onRabbi Jacobson discusses netilat yedaim, washing hands upon awakening in the morning.
In the Ways of Gentiles
Posted onRegarding dressing in the morning, the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch states the prohibition of dressing in the ways of the Gentiles. Rabbi Jacobson expands on this concept with numerous examples to provide a complete picture of the prohibition of “bechukoseihem lo teilechu”. Included in this class is a discussion on Thanksgiving dinners and the special laws applying to left-handed people.
Covering One’s Head
Posted onRabbi Jacobson discusses the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch’s statement of the necessity of a man wearing a head covering at all times. Reviewing the issue from the times of the Gemara until the present day, Rabbi Jacobson provides a complete overview of the “yarmulka”.
Preparing Oneself for G-d
Posted onRabbi Jacobson goes through the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch regarding the preparation and environment for davening.
Respecting G-d
Posted onRabbi Jacobson discusses the prohibition of using G-d’s name in vain in various different venues.
The Treatment of G-d’s Names
Posted onRabbi Jacobson continues discussing proper treatment of Hashem’s Names, both spoken and written. Particular emphasis is placed on brachot l’vatala and pages with Hashem’s name on it. Interesting facts include the writing of Hashem’s name in a foreign language, using Hashem’s name in a letter or other correspondence, correct means of disposing of papers with a form of Hashem’s name on them, how to handle published Sifrei Kodesh (holy books), and the difference between a bracha l’vatala (a brocha in vain) and a bracha she’eina tzricha (an unnecessary bracha).
One Hundred Brachot
Posted onRabbi Jacobson discusses the halacha of completing one hundred brachot a day. Additionally, he explains the halacha of safek brachot l’hakel, what one should do when in doubt of making a bracha.
Reciting Amen
Posted onIn this shiur (class), Rabbi Ari Jacobson discusses the halachot (Jewish laws) of answering Amen upon hearing a bracha (blessing). Based on the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, this class provides a comprehensive yet basic understanding of the laws regarding brachot and answering Amen.
Birchat HaTorah
Posted onIn this shiur (class), Rabbi Ari Jacobson learns the Halachot (laws) pertaining to Birchat HaTorah (blessings of the Torah). while mainly learning from the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Jacobson provides additional sources and explanations of this area.
Blessings of the Morning
Posted onIn this shiur (class), Rabbi Ari Jacobson continues with the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch’s halachot of saying Birchot HaShachar, the blssings meant specifically for the morning.
Eating Before Davening
Posted onIn this shiur (class), Rabbi Ari Jacobson discusses the prohibition of eating before davening. This class includes the pertinent Halachot concerning Shabbat and women.
Proper Prayer
Posted onIn this shiur (class), Rabbi Ari Jacobson presents the halachot (laws) regarding actions before and during the daily prayers. Based on the Kitzur Shulcha Aruch, this class provides a clear framework for our approach to praying before G-d.
Respect for a Synagogue
Posted onIn this shuir (Torah class), Rabbi Ari Jacobson learns the halachot (laws) concerning proper behavior in a shul (synagogue).
Proper Use of a Synagogue
Posted onIn this shiur (Torah class), Rabbi Ari Jacobson goes through the halachot (laws)in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch concerning the proper use of a shul (synagogue).