
The Merkava Vision

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This video is class 2 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller begins learning through the first perek of the Sefer, with the famous Merkava vision, in which Yechezkel sees a vision of G-d and His ministering angels. Rebbetzin Heller applies this vision to the concepts of serving Hashem even while in Galut, exile.


Perek 4: Symbols of Atonement

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This video is class 5 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches perek 4 in Sefer Yechezkel. Yechezkel is told to perform all sorts of symbolic actions as both a prophesy of future events and as a way to be mechaper (to atone) for the sins of Klal Yisrael before the Churban (destruction of the Beit Hamikdash).


Perek 9: Changing a G-dly Decree

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This video is class 10 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches perek 9. This perek deals with the difference between a heavenly decree before and after it was finalized, and also shows that everything in this world comes from direct Divine planning and intervention, and not through the laws of cause and effect.


Perek 14: The Deep Evil of False Leaders

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This video is class 15 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller discusses the dangers of bad leadership, as described by the prophet Yechezkel. The harm of false leaders is so great that even people who are great enough to maintain their level despite the opposition of society, such as Daniel, Noach, and Iyov, can’t rescue anyone but themselves from destruction.


Perek 16, Part 1: The Redeemed Maiden

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This video is class 18 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbtzin Tziporah Heller teaches chapter 16, which portrays a detailed parable of a rejected newborn, abandoned in the field. Hashem recognizes the beauty of the Jewish people even in their infancy, and raises them up to be his chosen children. Unfortunately, the Jewish ‘maiden’ stumbles and abandons Hashem.


Perek 17: The Two Eagles of Destruction

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This video is class 20 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches perek 17, which relates Hashem’s promise that he will send the two eagles of destruction, Bavel and Mitzrayim, to reduce the Jews’ status to one of a downtrodden nation, ‘Am Shfela’. Eventually Mashiach will come and return us back to our original selves.


Perek 19: Learning from Tragic Mistakes

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This video is class 22 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller explains the two parables presented by Yechezkel in chapter 19. The parables speak of two lions who misuse their abilities and of a vine that could have been fertile but is no longer. Both meshalim (parables) refer to the end of the independent monarchy in the Land of Israel, and the reality of exile.


Perek 23: Assimilation of the Disloyal Wive

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This video is class 26 of 52 in the series Yechezkel.

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller teaches the famous parable of two wayward wives, Oholiva and Ohola, and their subsequent downfall. This parable is adapted by the Kalir in the Kinnot of Tisha B’av. The rebellion of Ohola and Oholiva are a parable for the assimilation of the two kingdoms of Israel, that of the Ten tribes and that of The Kingdom of Judea