- Introduction to Hilchot Muktza
- Categories of Muktza Objects
- Muktza, Part 3
- Muktza, Part 4
- Laws of Muktza, Part 5
- Muktza, Part 6: Muktza Machmat Gufo
- Muktza, Part 7: Muktza Machmat Gufo, Part II
- Muktza, Part 8: Basis
- Muktza, Part 9: Unwanted Items
- Muktza, Part 10: Moving Muktza Items
- A Non-Jew’s Help on Shabbat: Amira L’akum
- Benefitting From a Non-Jew’s Work on Shabbat
- Amira L’Akum, Part 3
- Hinting to a Gentile
- Non-Jewish Labor for a Mitzva
- A Non-Jew’s Shabbat Labor in the Case of Illness
- Practical Applications of Amira l’akum
- Makeh B’Patish: Completing a Creative Act
- Introduction to Makeh B’Patish
- Applications of Makeh B’Patish
- Hashma’at Kol: Noise on Shabbat
- Boneh: Prohibited Construction
- A Temporary Dwelling
- Korei’a – Ripping