- Hallel Part 1: Perek 113
- Hallel Part 2: Connecting to G-d with Praise
- Hallel, Part 3: Perek 114
- Hallel, Part 4: Kiddush Hashem
- Hallel Part 5: Perek 115, Recognizing Hashem’s Blessings
- Hallel, Part 6: Faithful Prayer
- Hallel, Part 7: Pain and Prayer
- Gratitude and Subservience
- Obligation for Praise
- Perek 118, Part 1: The Symphony of Hallel
- Perek 118, Part 2
- Perakim 14 & 53, Part 1
- Perakim 14 & 53, Part 2
- Perek 136: Pinnacle of Thanksgiving
- Perek 135: Hashem’s Imprint on History
- Perek 124: Salvation Within Exile
- Perek 125: Jerusalem and the Nations of the World
- Perek 129: Troubled by Our Enemies